Vacation: An extended period of recreation, especially one spent away from home or in traveling.
"You only live once; but if you do it right, once is enough."
-Mae West
Ahhh beaches, hiking, mountains, snow, dessert, sand, soil, earth...L.I.F.E.
We all love them, we all wish we could take more of them, and we all wish others would partake with us--- VACATIONS.
The thrill you get packing for your next trip, the thought of all the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes you will get to experience...and the....yes..the post-vacation depression that sets in. I get that BAD. I mean "ihatecominghomeaftervacation" bad. How do i fix it? Plan my next vacation of course!! Here is how im able to travel out-of-state at least four times a year. YES, you CAN do it-- just requires willpower!
"You only live once; but if you do it right, once is enough."
-Mae West
Ahhh beaches, hiking, mountains, snow, dessert, sand, soil, earth...L.I.F.E.
We all love them, we all wish we could take more of them, and we all wish others would partake with us--- VACATIONS.
The thrill you get packing for your next trip, the thought of all the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes you will get to experience...and the....yes..the post-vacation depression that sets in. I get that BAD. I mean "ihatecominghomeaftervacation" bad. How do i fix it? Plan my next vacation of course!! Here is how im able to travel out-of-state at least four times a year. YES, you CAN do it-- just requires willpower!

1. Set up an automatic draft to pull out "travel money" out of each paycheck. However big or small, I PROMISE YOU, it all adds up. Even if its $25.00/bi-weekly! ($25.00x 12 paychecks [quarterly]= $300.00--almost enough for vegas!)
2. Search often, early, and frequently. I use these sites religiously:
Frommers will give you guides on safety, best time of year to travel [weather], tips, tricks, and top activities/hotels/restaurants, etc. USE THIS as a planner. They even have sample itieneraries. I use hotwire and expedia to base an estimate of flight prices.
3. Flights are cheapest when booked 30-60 days in advance. MOST times (holidays excluded) anymore and any less will be more expensive.
4. Best day and time to book is Tues and Wed 11pm-8am. TRUE FACT. Check a ticket price at 10am monday morning and it will be less tues or thurs before 8am. Why? because airlines know most people dont book flights at this time.
4. Best day and time to book is Tues and Wed 11pm-8am. TRUE FACT. Check a ticket price at 10am monday morning and it will be less tues or thurs before 8am. Why? because airlines know most people dont book flights at this time.

5. Use Airfare Watchdog alerts to have discounted flights & deals emailed to you. When one pops up that is low, BOOK IT!
6. Consider alternative airports-- nearest cities (for me Austin/IAH/HOU) can be as much as $100-$200 cheaper!
7. Flexible Dates! Flying Wed-Mon will cheaper than Thurs-Sun. Take a red eye. Consider one or two stops.

8. Lastly, MAKE IT HAPPEN. I've heard all the excuses in the book- i dont have money, im out of vacation days, whatever! Here are examples of cheap trips I have taken:
Vegas- on $320.00 for 3 nights/2 days
New Orleans- for $385.00 for 3 nights/2 day
Colorado- $440.00 3 nights/3 days
New Orleans- for $385.00 for 3 nights/2 day
Colorado- $440.00 3 nights/3 days
Fredericksburg- $169.00 2 nights/2 days
Carnival Cruise- $395.00 4 nights/3 days
Ohio- $410.00 3 nights/2 days
Carnival Cruise- $395.00 4 nights/3 days
Ohio- $410.00 3 nights/2 days
............and many more!!!!
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