DIY vintage frames

Sunday, April 7, 2013

This project was SUPER easy, cheap, and fun!! We are moving, and I wanted to have some different frames for a wall in the living room for our wedding photos. I was going to originally buy some on Etsy, but they were $150!! Crazy! So instead I decide to make some!

I bought 5 different sized frames with texture at Marshall's for approx $30 some odd dollars. One can of primer, one can of spray paint and a piece I sand paper at Michaels for $8.11.

1. Take out all the glass and backings from photos.
2. Spray frames with primer (I choose white) and wait at least 2 hours.
3. Spray with your choice of spray paint color- I choose light champagne and let dry another few hours.

And Done!!! That easy!! They turned out super cute.

To make them vintage-
4. Sand paper edges and areas of the frames and then rub with show polish. Start soft so you can decide how "vintage" you want to go.

I LOVE them!! I am going to make a few more so I can have a whole area of wedding/honeymoon photos!!!

Have fun with it!

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