Jello arms Workout

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Want great sculpted arms? Well, running wont do it for ya ladies! Neither will the treadmill, stairs, or... Um... *cough* sitting on the couch. =)

Here is a great upper body workout for you (warning it is difficult)! If you need instructions/how-to's, just google the name of the excercises and you can find you tube videos!

This is a H.I.I.T workout (high intensity interval training) which means higher weights, lower reps, and increased cardio circuits. Give it a go!

5 rounds of each circuit!

-8 front squats with barbell (65-85lbs)
-8 squat thrusts with shoulder press (dumbbells 20lbs ea)
-8 hop overs each leg (use a floor marker, small pole, whatever- just hop from left to right on one leg =1, do it 8 times per leg)

Repeat X 5

-8 rope push ups (or body weight incline push up)
-8 tricep pulls (15lb dumbbell- rest same arm on extended leg using opposite arm pull up keeping elbow straight, 8 times ea arm)
-12.5lb dumbbell row twist with push up (16 total, 8 each arm--->these are difficult, take a break if needed but work through them all!) no pain no gain!!

Repet X 5

- at the end, finish with 20 burpees, 50 leg raises, and 25 V ups!

My calorie count was 624 after doing this!!! Whew! Be sure to eat protein within 45 minutes of working out!!!

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