Sexy & Slim workout!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

So i workout 2-3 times per week at an Alpha Boot camp at my gym, and our trainer EVERY time. Each time i keep thinking, "theres no way it can be harder than last time...." and he continues to prove me wrong! We do a TON of intervail workouts, or burst reps, which focus on keeping your cardio & heart rate up while burning fat and building muscle! My favorite workouts! The other 2 days a week i do 1 "steady" cardio- either running outdoors or spin class, and then a full body circuit the other day, so I am hitting each muscle group twice per week!

This morning's workout was rough...i am already dragging my legs and arms....ouch! Give it a go yourself! You can use a weighted plate, a dumbell, a medicine ball, barbell, or the flexbar (the rubber barbell- i think thats the name??). Today i used the flexbar. Softer against your skin and you can "drop" it if needed.

1/2 mile run on treadmill at 6.8 or higher
40 walking lunges
30 bicycle crunches
20 push ups
10 squats

Here goes-- 15 reps of each circuit- 20 seconds on, 40 seconds off!
-Lunge with flexbar, twist to same side as forward leg, and push flexbar straight outward (you should feel your upper and outer shoulder muscles working here, along with your glutes and thighs). *HINT* use your ab muscles to contract inwards for an added bonus and to help stability! I used 25 lb flexbar

-20 seconds SPRINT run on treadmill (8.0 or higher) with minimum 4.0 incline. On every 5th set, increase speed by .2-.4
-V ups with plate (i used 10 lbs, and around rep 8 i dropped to 5 lbs...this is ok! just make sure you are always maxed out)

And you're done! The whole thing should have taken you about 45-50 minutes or so! I burned a whopping 594 by doing just these three excercises!!! =) Give it a go!

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